Imagine being a member of the CFI (Certified Flooring Installers) and taking the CTI (Certified Tile Installer program). Talk about a ground-breaking event!
Flooring and tile are distinct given unique installation requirements for floors and walls. That said, many flooring installers must be proficient in the full range of product options. If they're going to be certified for flooring, they may also want to become Certified Tile Installers.
Thanks to Roland Thompson from Thompson Flooring Installers and Leslie Del Pozo from QEP, that possibility became a reality in this first-ever CFI CTI hands-on test event. It took place in Frederick, Maryland.
Jason Montgomery was the Evaluator for this CTI hands-on test.
When the CFI Take the CTI: Interview with Roland Thompson and Leslie Del Pozo
CTEF: Roland and Leslie, what is your background in tile/flooring?
Roland: I started in the flooring industry back in 1972 when carpet and linoleum were the kings. As other flooring products became popular, I went to the trainings to learn about them and how to install them. I hold certifications in almost all flooring categories.
I was taught, that whatever you do, do the best you can.
{CTEF: As proof of that, know that Roland holds the following certifications: CFE, CFP, CFI Master II, Mohawk, Shaw, Karastan, Beaulieu, Armstrong, Carpet One Five Diamond, Mannington, Pergo, and Tarkett Certified. CFI Inspection & Tech, WFCA, NWFA, and NFIC Trainer, MAFCA.}
Leslie: I started working at QEP as a graphic designer 27 years ago. I am now the vice president of marketing communications.
Over the course of my career, I gradually learned more and more about the flooring industry. It was only recently that I started traveling and meeting the people of the industry that I realized how much I really love it.

CTEF: Why are you both so passionate about flooring installation certification?
Roland: I always strive to do my best no matter what I am doing. I grew up playing sports and this was instilled in me.
One day when I saw that Armstrong had a school, I said to myself, man, this could be my flooring college. Then I was hooked. With all the new things that keep coming out, you need to keep ahead of the game.
Leslie: Any time an installer can better themselves, we all win. By elevating the skills and knowledge of an individual, they have an opportunity to get bigger, better projects and when they get the better projects, they can make more money.
We need to show everyone that floor installation is a viable career path and you can make a great living doing it. Knowledge is power.

CTEF: How and why did CFI connect with CTEF?
Roland: CFI has been talking with CTEF for years; it just wasn't going anywhere. I spent a week years back with Scott Carothers at CTEF in Pendleton, SC. Scott and I have been friends ever since. To me it just makes sense.
Leslie: QEP has been involved with CTEF from the beginning. Education and training have always been important to us. We support CTEF financially as a sponsor and through tool donations to help with training.
CTEF: What made you want to organize a joint CFI/CTI event?
Roland: I can only talk for so long. I am more of one who wants to keep things moving forward. CTEF and CFI are both well respected in the training and certification part of our industry, so I felt it was time to show the industry we supported each other.
Leslie: I was excited about these two amazing groups coming together and I knew I wanted to be part of it. We support both groups individually so to support an event that they were holding together was a no-brainer.
CTEF: Leslie and Roland, how did you connect on this project?
Roland: I was talking with the CFI board and Leslie said to me, I want to jump in and support this. I am like, for sure. There is no one better than her.
Leslie: Roland and I have known each other for years through CFI. When I heard him say that he was going to partner with CTEF for a CTI test, I immediately told Roland I wanted to be involved. I didn’t even ask if he would mind if I showed up, I just told him I was going to fly in. Of course, he said he was happy for us to be part of the event.
CTEF: From your perspective, how did it go and why?
Roland: From all I have heard it went really well. Jason Montgomery did a great job evaluating the CTI. I also felt it went well. But then I organized so I hoped it would go really well.
Leslie: The reactions to the event were great. We all need to work together for the future of our industry.
I love connecting with the installers. I have so much respect for them. I love their stories and love seeing their projects. Without them, we don’t matter.
CTEF: Roland, how many of your members participated and what was their reaction?
Roland: We had 6 going through the CTI and 5 of the 6 were already CFI-certified. The ones who did not pass the CTI already told me they were coming back to try again.
CTEF: Do you see doing more joint CFI-CTI events?
Roland: Yes. I have already told CTEF that they could use my place anytime.
Leslie: We will absolutely do more.
We all need to do more to support the installers. The associations, the manufacturers, the dealers, and the distributors! Everyone!
CTEF: Roland, how can readers learn more about the CFI and you?
Roland: You can go to and explore what CFI has to offer.
My website is or you can find me all over the net, including Facebook and LinkedIn.

CTEF: Leslie, how can readers learn more about QEP (and Roberts) products?
Leslie: Yes, this gives me an opportunity to tell you more about QEP and another reason for being excited about the event.
- QEP Co., Inc. is the name of our corporate company.
- QEP Brand is our tile and stone tool brand.
- Roberts Brand is our carpet, wood, laminate vinyl tool, adhesive, and underlayment brand.
So… in a nutshell, QEP is the brand that supports CTEF and Roberts is the brand that supports CFI. So not only was the event great because it brought 2 great training organizations together but it brought my 2 brands together!!!!!!! I guess that’s another reason I was so excited about the event.
The QEP Brand is active on:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- TikTok:
The Roberts Brand is active on:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- TikTok:
CTEF: Any final comments?
Leslie: Yes. Our industry needs more installers.
The average age of a flooring installer is 57 years old and they are retiring faster than they can be replaced with the next generation. It is imperative that we work together to support the future.
CTEF: Thank you, Roland and Leslie!
Taking the CTI When You're a CFI
What's your reaction to this first-ever event? If you're a member of the CTI, are you ready to become a Certified Tile Installer?
Thanks for reading.