Learn What Tile Training and Installation Certification CTEF Offers You
Three Forms of Ceramic Tile Training & Education
The Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF) provides ceramic tile education and training in three forms to meet your needs:
- Take intense, hands-on tile installation training courses at CTEF's Pendleton, SC training facility and the training center in Egg Harbor City, NJ. More specifically,
- Learn at your own pace, then test your ceramic tile knowledge online with the Fundamentals of Thin-Bed Knowledge.
- At your facility where we can teach custom tile installation courses to suit the needs of your business and your tile installers.
>> To learn more, explore the CTEF Training Overview page.
Two Forms of Ceramic Tile Installation Certification
CTEF offers two tile installation certification programs:
- The Certified Tile Installer Program (CTI)
- Advanced Certifications for Tile Installers (ACT)
The Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF) offers the only 3rd party assessment of installer skills and knowledge recognized by the Tile Industry. The CTI evaluation takes place around the country in the facilities of CTEF Sponsors. However, before participating, candidates must complete an application and online training.
>> To learn more, visit the Certified Tile Installer Program.
The Advanced Certifications for Tile Installers is not a training program; it evaluates the skills and knowledge of tile installers and currently offers certifications in five specific areas of tile installation:
- Large Format Tile & Substrate Preparation
- Membranes
- Mortar (Mud) Floors
- Mortar (Mud) Walls
- Shower Receptors
>> To learn more about the ACT Program, visit Advanced Certifications for Tile Installers. Note that you must be pre-qualified to participate.