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Ceramic Tile Inspection

400-Level Ceramic Tile Inspection Course – $2,449

Ceramic tile industry organizations and experts annually receive countless requests for information relative to installation failures and inspections. In response to these requests, the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF) offers this intense 4.5-day classroom course.

Course Overview

The 400-Level Ceramic Tile Inspection is an intense course to aid the inspector in properly evaluating ceramic tile installations.

You will learn the latest ceramic tile industry standards, procedures, and methods from industry experts with many years of experience. The Ceramic Tile Inspection Class has been a key learning experience for many tile installation professionals over the years. Based on feedback received from the industry, this class is being expanded from a 3-day classroom training to a 4.5-day course with three separate classes held in conjunction with one another.

  • Using Methods and Standards (One day, 8 hours) is an In-depth study of the industry standards and methods documents and how to use them.

  • Forensic Demolition (Two days, 16 hours) utilizes mockups that are deconstructed, studied, and documented to understand How to remove it and what important aspects need to be recorded.

  • Report Writing (One and a half days, 12 hours) will cover case studies and examples of written reports for the student to grasp the art of Successful inspection writing techniques.

This study includes industry standards and test methods, how tile is manufactured and classified, proper installation techniques, how to evaluate tilework, correct use of materials and applications, how to prepare a written forensic report, and where to obtain industry information.

The resource materials used will include:

  • The TCNA Handbook, ANSI Standards,
  • ISO standards and test methods,
  • ASTM test methods and generally accepted industry practices.

Hands-on training is involved.

Prerequisites for this class include good working knowledge of substrates and ceramic tile installation, general construction practices, the use of common tools, and the ability to write clearly.

Certificates of attendance are provided to all attendees.

To Receive a Certificate of Completion

A certificate of completion is awarded upon satisfactory completion of a take-home, open-book test, within 30 days.

Instructor approval is required prior to registration. This course does NOT provide certification as a ceramic tile inspector.


Register for Ceramic Tile Inspection Training

Register here or contact Cathey McAlister at (864) 222-2131 or cathey@tilecareer.com to register for this course.