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CTEF Blog - About Tile Education and Installer Certification

5+ Benefits of Being a Certified Tile Installer

[fa icon="calendar'] September 20, 2022 8:30:00 AM EDT / by CTEF Blog Team posted in Certified Tile Installer Program, Hiring a Tile Installer


Are you wondering how to leverage your Certified Tile Installer (CTI) status in your business? This well-earned professional distinction offers tile installation professionals many benefits as Mark Heinlein, National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) Technical Trainer and Presenter and CTI #1112, explains in this article. 

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Tile ProSource Supports CTI Testing and CTEF

[fa icon="calendar'] June 21, 2022 8:30:00 AM EDT / by CTEF Blog Team posted in Certified Tile Installer Program


There's no denying that without companies like Tile ProSource to support CTEF, the Certified Tile Installer program would not be what it is today.

The CTI program requires hands-on testing locations around the country, not just in Pendleton, SC where CTEF is headquartered. Furthermore, in addition to the hands-on test itself, the program includes an orientation the evening before the test, not to mention cleanup.

So committing to being a CTI test location host means you're willing to give up a good bit of space for some serious tile installation action over more than a day.

In the case of Tile ProSource in Tennessee, the owners not only generously offered CTEF warehouse space but also treated everyone involved in the CTI test to a tile-themed feast. Plus, they've also added to their online checkout process an option to donate to the CTEF Mission!

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Grading the Toughest 25 Square Feet of Tile You'll Ever Install (Video)

[fa icon="calendar'] February 15, 2022 8:30:00 AM EST / by CTEF Blog Team posted in Certified Tile Installer Program

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For those who are unfamiliar with the Certified Tile Installer program, tile contractor Salvatore DiBlasi put together a two-part video series documenting not only what's involved, but also how the hands-on test is graded.

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How to Become a Tile Professional

[fa icon="calendar'] January 18, 2022 8:30:00 AM EST / by CTEF Blog Team posted in Certified Tile Installer Program, Tile Education & Training


If you have no experience in tiling and haven't been involved in a trade school program, how do you become a tile installation professional?

Great question, and here are options for you to consider.

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Are All Tile Installer Certifications Created Equal?

[fa icon="calendar'] February 2, 2021 8:30:00 AM EST / by Scott Carothers posted in Certified Tile Installer Program


Are all tile installer certifications created equal? The short answer is NO!

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Video Details Hands-on Certified Tile Installer (CTI) Test

[fa icon="calendar'] October 13, 2020 8:30:00 AM EDT / by CTEF Blog Team posted in Certified Tile Installer Program


Have you seen this video by Sal DiBlasi about the hands-on Certified Tile Installer (CTI) test?

If you haven't and you're considering becoming certified, we encourage you to do so. We've even embedded it into this article.

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Nominate a Coverings Rock Star Today!

[fa icon="calendar'] September 15, 2020 8:30:00 AM EDT / by CTEF Blog Team posted in About CTEF, Certified Tile Installer Program


Do you know any tile industry Rock Stars? If you do, then nominate them for the Coverings 2021 Emerging Leaders Program, otherwise known as Coverings Rock Stars. You have until December 18, 2020.

Given that we're CTEF, we encourage you to nominate tile contractor Rock Stars today!

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Have You Snapped a Chalk Line for Your Tile Layout?

[fa icon="calendar'] June 16, 2020 8:30:00 AM EDT / by CTEF Blog Team posted in Installing Tile TIps, Certified Tile Installer Program


Layout is a big deal in a tile installation. Have you tried snapping a chalk line to ensure that your tile layout is successful?

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Certified Tile Installers #TransformTheTrade

[fa icon="calendar'] June 2, 2020 8:30:00 AM EDT / by CTEF Blog Team posted in About CTEF, Certified Tile Installer Program, Qualified Labor Series


In a nutshell, tile installation certification programs transform the tile trade and industry for the better. Those programs include the Certified Tile Installer (CTI) program as well as the Advanced Certifications for Tile Installers (ACT) program#TransformTheTrade   

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Top 15 Tips for #BecomeaCTI Success

[fa icon="calendar'] February 11, 2020 8:30:00 AM EST / by CTEF Blog Team posted in About CTEF, Certified Tile Installer Program


What are your top tips for becoming a CTI? 

The CTEF Certified Tile Installer program is regularly described as the toughest 25 square feet you'll ever have to tile. It's intense, but not impossible if you're prepared.

To that end, here are our 15 top tips for success, including advice from Mark Heinlein CTI #1112. We invite you to share yours and we'll add them to the list.

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Certified Tile Installer Mike Corona says,

You don't become a tile installer or a business owner overnight. It takes time, enthusiasm, pride, reliability, respectfulness, a willingness to learn, and dedication. No two jobs are the same; each one has its own unique nuances. As a qualified installer, you need to be able to communicate how to deal with those nuances and qualify yourself to not only meet but exceed expectations. Being qualified will exponentially increase your value and you will have endless opportunities.

Mike Corona CTI #923 Corona Marble and Tile

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Mike Corona CTI #923
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